
Physical address:
​6296 Donnelly Plaza
Ratkeville, ​Bahamas.

Keep the Keys to your freedom

Don’t let losing a key ruin your week.
Same day spares & lost key replacements available!

Quality. Safety. Reliability. Every time.

Your protection is our pride.

Spare keys come with a 12 month parts warranty.

Emergency Entry

Locked your keys in your car?
Our specialists will be on the scene in a flash, to have your keys retrieved – without causing damage to your pride and joy.

Spare Keys

Always plan ahead and make sure you have at least two working keys! Replacing a key when you have no working keys can cost up to 3x as much as a spare!

All Keys Lost

If you’ve lost all working keys to your vehicle, our specialists will see to it that you’re back on the road – key’s in hand as quickly as possible!

Remote Repairs

Does your key need a touch of life? If your key is still functional, but the case is a bit tattered – we can help!

Mauris Augue

Our Works

Contact Us

We’re always here to help.

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